Thursday, June 2, 2011

My First Blog

Wow, here is my first post.  I just want to use this blog to document things that my family does, sewing projects (I'll add tutorials for everyone once I get some photography classes), DIY projects that we attempt (successful or not, steps and costs), the many things I try to cook as I LOVE baking and any other crafty things I attempt. 

Right now we are doing the crazy thing of thinking of moving and changing our careers.  I am going to quit my well paying engineering job to become a stay-at-home mom of 2 boys 3 and under.  I may be crazy but looking forward to it as well. 

Part of our moving, and me staying home, is that we want to simplify our lives.  Right now it feels as though J and I are always running around to try to clean the house, do the yard work, meet extended family obligations, and still try to have some fun with our boys.  It is too much since both of us have full time jobs...and our children aren't even in school or organized sports yet!  So, let the simplifying begin!

These 2 cute boys are the reason we are making these sacrifices (plus there is the whole, can we do it aspect that is a challenge calling our names)!

Meet W and O (or Munchkin #1 and #2)

More to come once we have step 2 further along!

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