Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Changing the Boys Rooms

So, it was the day of a realtor showing of our house and I decided it was a great time to switch the boys rooms...by myself. Call me a little crazy as you can't just move a crib through a door way and my oldest has heavy furniture (he is a climber). BUT I got it done in only 2 hours and I think both rooms look bigger now.  (The sun was really bright that day so there is a bit of a glare, I got it down a bit in PSE8 but I am still learning that program.)

Before - big room with lots of windows but filled with too much furniture. We couldn't set the bed up any where else as the headboard was 1 inch too wide.

(Forgot to take a picture before I already was taking apart the bed.)

After - looks huge even with the rocking chair.

(This picture is closer to the color of the room.)

Before - spacious room but cribs are small.

(Rocking chair is usually in the corner beside the crib.)

After - you can see that there is still lots of room and the dresser could fit in the huge closet to make even more room for toys. (But W can't have toys in his room right now as he won't go to sleep!).

I do hope to eventually do each boys room in a theme, probably trains for Munchkin 1 and planes for Munchkin 2 but that will have to wait until we move.  I must really scale back the size of furniture that I like...it takes up lots of space in the rooms.  I also see that I am drawn to dark furniture, if I was to add our bedroom furniture to these you would see a theme - big and dark.  :)

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